The Punctuation of Pretzels


The following story appeared in my Google Alerts update this week, and – after careful consideration – I decided I just had to throw in my two-penn’orth.

Basically, a columnist wants the company to remove the apostrophe from their sign. On the face of it, I agreed at first, but then realised it wasn’t quite as clear-cut as it seems.

How many boys are there? That must be the nub of the question. If there are more than one, then – yes – the apostrophe needs some amendment. But…should it be removed altogether or simply placed after the word boys?

This establishment could be one, singular, boy’s shop. It could be several, plural, boys’ shop. Or, Pretzel Boys could simply be the title of the business.

Think of The Fabulous Bakin’ Boys. bakin20boys

This is the company’s name – ok, they have an apostrophe elsewhere – we’ll not go there in this post!

But, maybe we’ll leave the last word to Sainsbury’s, and their response to Mr M. He asked them why their name has an apostrophe – read their reply here:




It’s been a difficult few days. I wrote this poem a month or two ago but it seems that it’s very appropriate, for me at least, right now.

Talk to your family, friends, loved ones – tell them things and ask them everything you can – once they’re gone it’s all too late.


Did nobody warn you I wasn’t immortal?

One day I may fall prey to life’s harsh regime.

No, nobody warned me you were only human

That one day you’d slip into eternal dream

So now, ask me questions, and tell me your deepest

Fears and desires so that we might share

All of the words that will one day fall silent

The day you might waken to find I’m not there.